Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Nanoflares Keep Things Hot on the Sun
Nanoflares Keep Things Hot on the Sun One thing we as a whole think about the Sun: its unfathomably sweltering. The surface (the furthest layer of the Sun that we can see) is 10,340 degrees Fahrenheit (F), and the center (which we cannot see) is 27 MILLION degrees F. Theres another piece of the Sun that lies between the surface and us: its the peripheral environment, called the corona.Its about multiple times more smoking than the surface. By what method can something farther away and out in space be more blazing? You would figure it would really be chilling the farther away it gets from the Sun.â This inquiry of how the crown gets so hot has kept sun oriented researchers occupied for quite a while, attempting to discover an answer. It was once expected that the crown warmed continuously, however the reason for the warming was a mystery.â The Sun is warmed from inside by a procedure called combination. The center is an atomic heater, combining molecules of hydrogen together to make iotas of helium. The procedure discharges warmth and light, which travel through the Suns layers until they escape from the photosphere. The climate, including the crown, lie over that. It ought to be cooler, however its not. Things being what they are, what might warm the crown? One answer is nanoflares. These are little cousins of the enormous sun powered flares that we distinguish emitting from the Sun. Flares are unexpected flashes of brilliance from the Suns surface. They discharge mind boggling measures of vitality and radiation. Some of the time flares are additionally joined by huge arrivals of superheated plasma from the Sun called coronal mass discharges. These upheavals can cause whats called space weatherâ (such as presentations of northern and southern lights)â at Earth and different planets. Nanoflares are an alternate type of sun powered flare. To begin with, they emit continually, popping along like innumerable little nuclear bombs. Second, they are incredibly, hot, getting up to 18 million degrees Fahrenheit. That is more smoking than the crown, which is normally a couple million degrees F.  Think of them as a hot soup, rising along on the outside of an oven, warming the environment above it. With nanoflares, the joined warming of each one of those continually blowing minuscule blasts (which are as ground-breaking as 10-megaton nuclear bomb blasts) is likely why the coronosphere is so hot.  The nanoflare thought is generally new, and as of late have these little blasts been identified. The idea of nanoflares was first proposed in the mid 2000s, and tried start in 2013 by space experts utilizing exceptional instruments on sounding rockets. During the short flights, they contemplated the Sun, searching for proof of these little flares (which are just a billionth of the intensity of an ordinary flare). All the more as of late, the NuSTAR strategic, is a space-based telescope delicate to x-beams, took a gander at the Suns x-beam emanations and discovered proof for the nanoflares.â While the nanoflare thought is by all accounts the best one that clarifies coronal warming, cosmologists need to contemplate the Sun more so as to see how the procedure functions. They will watch the Sun during sun powered least when the Sun isn't bristling with sunspots that can befuddle the image. Then, NuSTAR and different instruments will have the option to get more information to clarify exactly how a great many minuscule flares going off simply over the sun powered surface can warm the dainty upper air of the Sun.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ethics of Psychoanalysis - Lacan’s Antigone and the Ethics of Interpretation :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Morals of Psychoanalysis - Lacan’s Antigone and the Ethics of Interpretation My paper inspects Lacan’s perusing of the Antigone as our very own purposeful anecdote printed and moral commitments as perusers and pundits. This paper tends to both the morals and the style of our experience with the content. In 1959, Lacan introduced Sophocles’ Antigone as a model of unadulterated want for his workshop on The Ethics of Psychoanalysis: Antigone introduces herself as autonomos, the straightforward as can be relationship of an individual to that which it supernaturally ends up conveying, that is the crack of connotation, that which concedes an individual the insuperable intensity of beingâ€in disdain of and against everythingâ€what he [sic] is. . . . Antigone everything except satisfies what can be called unadulterated want, the straightforward as can be want of death as such [i.e., of that which is past the joy principle]. She manifestes this craving. (1986: 328-29) Lacan noticed that Antigone’s choice to resist Creon intentionally looks for death. She puts forth no attempt to shield Polynices’ activities (Lacan 1986: 290, 323-25). Her decision takes her past the domain of balanced talk and the aggregate standards of human fulfillment it infers (Lacan 1986: 78, 281; Zizek 1991: 25). Hers is a place that rises above the agreeable paired resistances that structure our day by day moral and public activities. Since her decision of death can't be comprehended by carefully sound standards, she can't be perused as speaking to some straightforward direct opposite of opportunity to oppression, or the person to the state (Lacan 1986: 281; Zizek 1992: 77-78). Truth be told, as she recognizes, she had picked demise before Creon’s order against the entombment of Polynices, and she characterizes herself to Ismene as one previously having a place with the domain of the dead (ll. 559-60; Lacan 1986: 315, 326). Creon isn't a despot who power s Antigone to settle on an unthinkable decision among life and opportunity; rather, he epitomizes the municipal standards that her quest for a craving past the limits of those wants explained inside the domain of basic life both requires as characterizing foil, and rises above. Her decision in this manner speaks to an unadulterated moral act molded neither by a self-intrigued choice among commonly perceived products nor the self-hatred of adjusting to a code that is perceived and scorned (Zizek 1992: 77). Such a moral decision, as Lacan recognizes, is Kantian in its commitment to an unadulterated idea of obligation, yet psychoanalytic in its predication on an exceptionally individualized want whose substance can't be summed up into a general moral adage (Lacan 1986: 68, 365-66).
Monday, August 17, 2020
Business Attire What this Dress Code Means
Business Attire What this Dress Code Means THE CONCEPT OF THE DRESS CODEA dress code is a set of rules regarding the clothing that must be worn by the members belonging to the group bound by the code. These rules may be written but the cases where they are unwritten do not make them any less valid.Many people assume that dress codes dictate what should be worn where and when. However, it also covers how these clothes should be worn. In some instances, the dress codes also touch on the personal hygiene of the employees, putting great emphasis on looking presentable rather than eye-catching, and looking pleasing over being downright attractive.Does the dress code have a great impact on an organization’s attainment of its goals and objectives? There is no definitive YES or NO answer to this question, as evidenced by many successful companies today doing very well despite not having a dress code.Take a look at Google, for example. The company has consistently topped the list of best companies to work for, especially in recent y ears, causing many brilliant and innovative talents and brains to flock to it, hoping they will get employment with the company. Google does not have a dress code.In fact, a glimpse of the Google offices will likely show you employees who are dressed in jeans and shirts. Some are wearing button-downs while others are in relaxed or baggy clothes. Clearly, there is no strict dress code that the employees are expected to follow.The dress code is seen as one way to communicate the culture and values of an organization or company, and even aid it in its goal attainment. In fact, some would even go so far as to say that the dress code is a tool for brand management, since it has something to do with how the organization manages external perception.On a personal level, employees tend to seek a sense of belonging in the workplace, and adhering to rules and regulations is one way to demonstrate that they are part of the team or the organization. By dressing according to the rules set out in the company dress code, they are joining the others. They are part of the organization, and they are cooperating with the other employees.Today, there are several dress codes applicable to different occasions and in different settings. They include casual wear, formal attire, cocktail attire, and even country club attire. For this discussion, we will talk about the Business Attire.[slideshare id=30917717doc=talenertechinterviewdressguideandtips-140206153415-phpapp02w=710h=400]THE BUSINESS ATTIREIt is as straightforward as it sounds: business attire refers to what one wears in business settings, including corporate, government and academic settings. However, it is not limited to one look, since there are several type of business attire currently in use today.The differences of in business attire are influenced by several factors, namely:Setting or environment, and surrounding external circumstancesOne primary consideration is the place where the individual will be in. There is an app ropriate business attire for someone working in an office, and someone in a receptionist desk in the lobby of an office building.Similarly, a person who goes to work in a location that experiences cold weather most of the year will also be observing a dress code that is different from someone whose offices are located in tropical countries.Message that the organization wants to convey or deliverA finance company would like to present itself in the industry as a dignified and reliable service provider, which is why it imposed a dress code that specifically requires employees to “look smart and look cleanâ€.That effectively removes tank tops and unpolished shoes out of the equation.Nature of work or task involvedThere are tasks or jobs that require the workers or employees to dress in a certain manner.As an example, let us look into the marketing department of a retail company. If you look to the corner of the office where the PR specialists and marketing analysts are, you may find them wearing tailored pants and pencil skirts, paired with pristine and pressed button-down shirts or collared blouses.Now if you turn to the other end of the office, where the employees who are in charge of graphic and creative design are holed up in, you will no doubt find them comfortably clad in jeans, sneakers, and flannel shirts. That is because they are not usually required to go out and interact with clients of the company, which is what the PR specialists often do.Culture of the organization and top managementThe culture of an organization also has a lot to do with how its dress code is developed. An organization that is largely conservative tends to apply a traditional attitude towards its employees’ dressing.Let us take the example of the publication Newsweek. It used to have a relaxed and casual dress code, with the staff free to choose their own clothes and accessories. Things became shaken up with the change of management, when new owner International Business Times (IBT) imposed a dress code with strict and specific rules, which include the following:Specific tips for maintenance of personal hygiene (which the old management was not really all that concerned with).Banned clothing such as open-toed footwear, microminis and other extremely short bottoms, and midriff-baring shirts and tops.Specific prohibition on having any hair color other that “natural†or business-style hair color.Tattoos and body piercings, except for earrings, must be covered or kept hidden at all times in the workplace, or when representing the organization.Learn about the Dos and Donts of Dressing like a real man. TYPES OF BUSINESS ATTIREThe types of business attire are categorized depending on the degrees of formality involved. We will now take a look at the different types of business attire adapted in the dress codes of organizations.Have you ever heard of the phrase “dress to impressâ€? That is often associated when one opts to wear a business attire.Traditiona l Business AttireThis business attire is most probably the default type that most people think of when they hear the phrase. Look at the old-school organizations with a traditional or highly conservative attitude, and this is normally how they would require their students to dress.Think skirt or pant suits paired with formal business tops or blouses for women. Those wearing skirts will wear stockings and choose a pair of closed leather shoes. They are advised to keep their perfume subtle, and the type of jewelry understated yet elegant.Men, on the other hand, may be toting a brief case where they put their business documents in. They wear leather shoes, and choose a conservative pen tucked into their breast pocket.Since this is traditional, propriety is of utmost importance. There is no room for revealing clothing here, because you have to be as covered as you possibly can. Avoid clothing that reveal your cleavage or your midriff. It goes without saying that backless pieces are also unwelcome in this dress code.Where to wear itThis is usually seen in a traditional and formal business environment. Boardrooms, or places where top management or senior managers convene for strategic meetings may be seen sporting these attire.[slideshare id=60534424doc=1fa5160e-e145-421b-a58e-1378bd63ac6b-160406014708type=dw=710h=400]Business ProfessionalIf you go to work every day in an office where you are required to wear something conservative as to give off a professional vibe, then you are following the Business Professional type of attire. It is safe to say that this dress code is the basic type.Companies that impose this dress code type want to achieve want thing: to portray the company â€" through its employees â€" as professionals that clients can trust and rely on. At the same time, it also presents the company to be somewhat conservative, without being overly rigid in sticking to the traditional.Men can ditch their dress shoes and opt for comfortable leather shoes inste ad. They can trade their dress shirts and dark suits with a button down shirt and a blazer, or even a suit jacket of a lighter color.The tie need not be silk, and the linen squares may be removed altogether. Women are not limited to wearing skirts, because they may choose to use a pants suit instead.Where to wear itDay-to-day office work in offices that are primarily focused on functions on finance, accounting and other corporate divisions often require the professional look. If you are headed to an important meeting where you will be put in a position of having to convince someone, this is also the go-to outfit.Watch the fastest method to tie a tie. Business FormalTo put this type simply, take a look at the usual professional attire you use daily. Upgrade it â€" make it dressier without going over the top â€" and you have Business Formal. It is definitely a bit dressier than the business professional attire.For example, men may wear a dress suit and a silk tie, completed by a suit of a dark color. This also often calls for cufflinks and silk or linen pocket squares to be worn. Instead of practical leather shoes, they will go for dress shoes that go well with the pants or the suit that they are wearing.Women, on the other hand, may take their inspiration from the traditional business attire, but choosing a blouse or top made of silk or some other smooth material. A skirt is preferred over a pantsuit, and the shoes must be pumps or heels with closed toes.Where to wear itBusiness functions and events that take place in the evenings, such as dinners and galas, and maybe even award ceremonies, will be appropriate settings for one to wear a formal attire.Business CasualComfort is the primary consideration when business casual attire is mentioned. The management wants its employees to work comfortably, so they are not so rigid when it comes to the dress code. However, they still have to look professional.When they say business casual, you can say goodbye to having t o wear a suit. A tie is also not a requirement among men. There is a misconception among many people that casual means that you can wear denim jeans and T-shirts. We should not forget that we are talking about “business casualâ€, instead of simply “casualâ€.The safest option would include both men and women wearing a shirt with a collar, or paired with a sweater. In this dress code, you will rarely go wrong when you are wearing something with a collar.Women may also opt to wear dresses and skirts, as long as they keep to the conservative side. Nothing should go higher than the knees, revealing thighs. They also have more options when it comes to footwear; boots may be worn and paired with pants, dresses or skirts.Where to wearThis is a safe outfit to a normal day at the office, or even when you have to go out and meet clients that you need to impress. Smart Business CasualThis is simply a slight modification of the business casual attire. You can say that it lies somewhere bet ween business casual and business professional. It definitely results in a look that is more textured than a casual attire, but not too stiff as to be too formal or traditional.Employees follow the basics of the business casual type of dressing, but they kick things up a notch to make it look more professional and put together. This is where they can be free with their fashion preferences, throwing in tailored sweaters, embroidered jackets and tops, and pairing them with dress pants or skirts.The goal of this dress code is to make the employee look smart and exude more confidence.Where to wear itThis is also perfect for the office. Going to job interviews, or interviewing for a promotion are also excellent times to go smart with your business casual attire.WHAT TO AVOID IN BUSINESS ATTIRE You can tell a lot of things about a person by the clothes that he or she wears. This line of thinking kept hold and became deeply rooted for so long that it has even been looked into by psychologists. Dr. Jennifer Baumgartner, a clinical psychologist and author of the book “You Are What You Wear: What Your Clothes Reveal About You†called it the “psychology of dressâ€. Others term it as “fashion psychologyâ€.Judgments about one’s character and personality are almost always automatically made just with one glance at what the person is wearing.We can make deductions about a person’s background, income, occupation, affiliations, and even sexual orientation, values and cultural identity, among other things.It goes without saying that, if you want to be judged in a certain way, one of the things you should take note of is the way you dress. No wonder it has become one of the criteria or yardsticks used by recruitment managers and human resource specialists in hiring and rec ruitment processes. © | AlexussKWorkplaces, schools, and other settings have established their own rules or guidelines when it comes to dressing up (or down, as the case may be). We call them “dress codesâ€.In this guide, we explore 1) the concept of the dress code, 2) what is business attire, 3) the different types of business attire, and 4) what to avoid in this dress code.THE CONCEPT OF THE DRESS CODEA dress code is a set of rules regarding the clothing that must be worn by the members belonging to the group bound by the code. These rules may be written but the cases where they are unwritten do not make them any less valid.Many people assume that dress codes dictate what should be worn where and when. However, it also covers how these clothes should be worn. In some instances, the dress codes also touch on the personal hygiene of the employees, putting great emphasis on looking presentable rather than eye-catching, and looking pleasing over being downright attractive.Does the dre ss code have a great impact on an organization’s attainment of its goals and objectives? There is no definitive YES or NO answer to this question, as evidenced by many successful companies today doing very well despite not having a dress code.Take a look at Google, for example. The company has consistently topped the list of best companies to work for, especially in recent years, causing many brilliant and innovative talents and brains to flock to it, hoping they will get employment with the company. Google does not have a dress code.In fact, a glimpse of the Google offices will likely show you employees who are dressed in jeans and shirts. Some are wearing button-downs while others are in relaxed or baggy clothes. Clearly, there is no strict dress code that the employees are expected to follow.The dress code is seen as one way to communicate the culture and values of an organization or company, and even aid it in its goal attainment. In fact, some would even go so far as to say t hat the dress code is a tool for brand management, since it has something to do with how the organization manages external perception.On a personal level, employees tend to seek a sense of belonging in the workplace, and adhering to rules and regulations is one way to demonstrate that they are part of the team or the organization. By dressing according to the rules set out in the company dress code, they are joining the others. They are part of the organization, and they are cooperating with the other employees.Today, there are several dress codes applicable to different occasions and in different settings. They include casual wear, formal attire, cocktail attire, and even country club attire. For this discussion, we will talk about the Business Attire.[slideshare id=30917717doc=talenertechinterviewdressguideandtips-140206153415-phpapp02w=710h=400]THE BUSINESS ATTIREIt is as straightforward as it sounds: business attire refers to what one wears in business settings, including corpor ate, government and academic settings. However, it is not limited to one look, since there are several type of business attire currently in use today.The differences of in business attire are influenced by several factors, namely:Setting or environment, and surrounding external circumstancesOne primary consideration is the place where the individual will be in. There is an appropriate business attire for someone working in an office, and someone in a receptionist desk in the lobby of an office building.Similarly, a person who goes to work in a location that experiences cold weather most of the year will also be observing a dress code that is different from someone whose offices are located in tropical countries.Message that the organization wants to convey or deliverA finance company would like to present itself in the industry as a dignified and reliable service provider, which is why it imposed a dress code that specifically requires employees to “look smart and look cleanâ€.Th at effectively removes tank tops and unpolished shoes out of the equation.Nature of work or task involvedThere are tasks or jobs that require the workers or employees to dress in a certain manner.As an example, let us look into the marketing department of a retail company. If you look to the corner of the office where the PR specialists and marketing analysts are, you may find them wearing tailored pants and pencil skirts, paired with pristine and pressed button-down shirts or collared blouses.Now if you turn to the other end of the office, where the employees who are in charge of graphic and creative design are holed up in, you will no doubt find them comfortably clad in jeans, sneakers, and flannel shirts. That is because they are not usually required to go out and interact with clients of the company, which is what the PR specialists often do.Culture of the organization and top managementThe culture of an organization also has a lot to do with how its dress code is developed. An organization that is largely conservative tends to apply a traditional attitude towards its employees’ dressing.Let us take the example of the publication Newsweek. It used to have a relaxed and casual dress code, with the staff free to choose their own clothes and accessories. Things became shaken up with the change of management, when new owner International Business Times (IBT) imposed a dress code with strict and specific rules, which include the following:Specific tips for maintenance of personal hygiene (which the old management was not really all that concerned with).Banned clothing such as open-toed footwear, microminis and other extremely short bottoms, and midriff-baring shirts and tops.Specific prohibition on having any hair color other that “natural†or business-style hair color.Tattoos and body piercings, except for earrings, must be covered or kept hidden at all times in the workplace, or when representing the organization.Learn about the Dos and Donts of Dressin g like a real man. TYPES OF BUSINESS ATTIREThe types of business attire are categorized depending on the degrees of formality involved. We will now take a look at the different types of business attire adapted in the dress codes of organizations.Have you ever heard of the phrase “dress to impressâ€? That is often associated when one opts to wear a business attire.Traditional Business AttireThis business attire is most probably the default type that most people think of when they hear the phrase. Look at the old-school organizations with a traditional or highly conservative attitude, and this is normally how they would require their students to dress.Think skirt or pant suits paired with formal business tops or blouses for women. Those wearing skirts will wear stockings and choose a pair of closed leather shoes. They are advised to keep their perfume subtle, and the type of jewelry understated yet elegant.Men, on the other hand, may be toting a brief case where they put their busi ness documents in. They wear leather shoes, and choose a conservative pen tucked into their breast pocket.Since this is traditional, propriety is of utmost importance. There is no room for revealing clothing here, because you have to be as covered as you possibly can. Avoid clothing that reveal your cleavage or your midriff. It goes without saying that backless pieces are also unwelcome in this dress code.Where to wear itThis is usually seen in a traditional and formal business environment. Boardrooms, or places where top management or senior managers convene for strategic meetings may be seen sporting these attire.[slideshare id=60534424doc=1fa5160e-e145-421b-a58e-1378bd63ac6b-160406014708type=dw=710h=400]Business ProfessionalIf you go to work every day in an office where you are required to wear something conservative as to give off a professional vibe, then you are following the Business Professional type of attire. It is safe to say that this dress code is the basic type.Compani es that impose this dress code type want to achieve want thing: to portray the company â€" through its employees â€" as professionals that clients can trust and rely on. At the same time, it also presents the company to be somewhat conservative, without being overly rigid in sticking to the traditional.Men can ditch their dress shoes and opt for comfortable leather shoes instead. They can trade their dress shirts and dark suits with a button down shirt and a blazer, or even a suit jacket of a lighter color.The tie need not be silk, and the linen squares may be removed altogether. Women are not limited to wearing skirts, because they may choose to use a pants suit instead.Where to wear itDay-to-day office work in offices that are primarily focused on functions on finance, accounting and other corporate divisions often require the professional look. If you are headed to an important meeting where you will be put in a position of having to convince someone, this is also the go-to outfi t.Watch the fastest method to tie a tie. Business FormalTo put this type simply, take a look at the usual professional attire you use daily. Upgrade it â€" make it dressier without going over the top â€" and you have Business Formal. It is definitely a bit dressier than the business professional attire.For example, men may wear a dress suit and a silk tie, completed by a suit of a dark color. This also often calls for cufflinks and silk or linen pocket squares to be worn. Instead of practical leather shoes, they will go for dress shoes that go well with the pants or the suit that they are wearing.Women, on the other hand, may take their inspiration from the traditional business attire, but choosing a blouse or top made of silk or some other smooth material. A skirt is preferred over a pantsuit, and the shoes must be pumps or heels with closed toes.Where to wear itBusiness functions and events that take place in the evenings, such as dinners and galas, and maybe even award ceremonies , will be appropriate settings for one to wear a formal attire.Business CasualComfort is the primary consideration when business casual attire is mentioned. The management wants its employees to work comfortably, so they are not so rigid when it comes to the dress code. However, they still have to look professional.When they say business casual, you can say goodbye to having to wear a suit. A tie is also not a requirement among men. There is a misconception among many people that casual means that you can wear denim jeans and T-shirts. We should not forget that we are talking about “business casualâ€, instead of simply “casualâ€.The safest option would include both men and women wearing a shirt with a collar, or paired with a sweater. In this dress code, you will rarely go wrong when you are wearing something with a collar.Women may also opt to wear dresses and skirts, as long as they keep to the conservative side. Nothing should go higher than the knees, revealing thighs. The y also have more options when it comes to footwear; boots may be worn and paired with pants, dresses or skirts.Where to wearThis is a safe outfit to a normal day at the office, or even when you have to go out and meet clients that you need to impress. Smart Business CasualThis is simply a slight modification of the business casual attire. You can say that it lies somewhere between business casual and business professional. It definitely results in a look that is more textured than a casual attire, but not too stiff as to be too formal or traditional.Employees follow the basics of the business casual type of dressing, but they kick things up a notch to make it look more professional and put together. This is where they can be free with their fashion preferences, throwing in tailored sweaters, embroidered jackets and tops, and pairing them with dress pants or skirts.The goal of this dress code is to make the employee look smart and exude more confidence.Where to wear itThis is also pe rfect for the office. Going to job interviews, or interviewing for a promotion are also excellent times to go smart with your business casual attire.WHAT TO AVOID IN BUSINESS ATTIREThe different types of business attire may have their own specific rules on what to wear and how to wear the clothes. However, they are all in agreement when it comes to what to avoid when you want to follow this dress code.Avoid wearing sloppy clothing. Do not wear clothes that are stained, wrinkled, or tattered and worn. Many think that tracksuits and sweatpants may be appropriate for work, and unless your company allows it, avoid them at all costs. Make sure they are laundered and pressed, and there are no stray threads or torn hems.Avoid inappropriate clothes. Stay away from clothes that are too revealing or racy, as they may be offensive to other people. Inappropriate clothes may also include those that are form-fitting, or hug too close to the skin. Some tops may even have designs, prints or words t hat are potentially offensive or harmful. Statement shirts should be evaluated several times before being considered as a worthy addition to your business attire wardrobe.Avoid ill-fitting clothes. Clothes that are too loose or too tight will have an impact on how others will view you. Aside from that, they are also likely to bring you some discomfort, especially if you have to wear them all day.Avoid over-accessorizing. Be tasteful in your choice of jewelry. And how much you will pile on. Between pearl studs and dangling diamond drop or loop earrings, the pearl will give you a more business-like and professional look. Piling on the necklaces, bracelets and the rings may also give others a wrong impression, and they won’t take you seriously.Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Remember that you will be wearing them the whole day, while you are off going about your work or assigned tasks. Therefore, it is important to put your comfort in consideration. Check that your shoes do not p inch your toes.Always maintain proper hygiene. Well-groomed hair and clean nails are only a couple of the many points that you should take into account when it comes to personal hygiene. You may be wearing the right clothes, but if you haven’t bathed or your hair is all over the place, you just ruined the entire picture you were trying to paint.
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